We present one of the models most desired by our customers all over the world.
The Boboli Model is distinguished by its stately aesthetics and strong scenic presence.
We present one of the models most desired by our customers all over the world.
The Boboli Model is distinguished by its stately aesthetics and strong scenic presence.
Decreto Rilancio (Art.25 d.l. 19/05/2020): 9.171,00 euro
Sostegni Automatico (Art.1 d.l. n.73 del 25/05/2021): 10.435,00 euro
Decreto Sostegni (Art.1 d.l. n.41 del 22/03/2021): 10.435,00 euro
Reg. UE 1407/2013 de minimis generale Bando per la concessione di contributi per la partecipazione a fiere in Italia classificate internazionali - anno 2019 Camera di Commercio I.A.A. Pistoia: 2000,00 euro
CREDITO SANIFICAZIONE E DPI (ART. 125 DL 34-2020): 102,00 euro